Friday, April 30, 2010

The Things A Toddler Can Teach You...

1. Do Not ignore a rambunctious toddler when he wants your attention: It may result in bodily harm.
2. A toddler can have the hardest head EVER!
3. No amount of make-up can cover up a purple and black shiner.
4. Head butting hurts.
5. Sometimes some four letter words are said involuntairly when in pain.
6. not ignore a toddler.
7. All is forgiven when you hear the sweetest "I'm sorry...I kiss it" apology ever said.
8. A shiney black eye makes people stare at you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I have been head butted by little ones before too, but never had a black eye like that! :>)


Pray for the Haiti Orphans!

I would bring them home if I could! Pray for these precious children! Pray for Haiti and pray that these Children are saved!